Return the CV data






Name Description Type
id id of the cv integer
userId Id of the user integer
title Title of the CV string
url Absolute url of the CV string
culture Culture of the cv (possible values: fr_FR, en_US, en_UK, it_IT, es_ES, de_DE) string
completion Completion of the CV Float (value between 0 and 1, 2 digits maximum)
seniority Seniority automatically computed by DoYouBuzz according to the user's work experience (excluding internships). We recommand to use this information only if the user has not filled in this information in his employment preferences. Please refer to Baseslist to get the meaning of the value. integer
updatedAt Datetime of the last update on this CV Datetime (format Y-m-d\TH:i:s)
professionalStatus User's professional status (as described on the CV). This information is specific to each CV (a user can have different values on each CV). Please refer to Baseslist to get the meaning of the value. integer
availability User's availability (as described on the CV). This information is specific to each CV (a user can have different values on each CV). Please refer to Baseslist to get the meaning of the value. integer
rss Blog RSS URL string
userInformation Information about the user (these informations are specific to the current CV. A user can set different values on different CV) element
birthdate Birthdate of the user, as described on the CV String (yyyy-mm-dd)
maritalStatus Marital status of the user, as descrbed on the CV string
country Country of the user, as described on the CV. If you wan more specific datas, please refer to employment preferences element
isoCode ISO 3166 alpha 3 code of the user's country (more information) string
city City of the user, as described on the CV. string
zipcode Zipcode of the user's city, as set on the CV
DriversLicence Wether or not the user has a driver's licence, as describe on his CV. 1 or null
state If the user has chosen "USA" as a country, indicates his state as described on the CV. integer
experiences List of experiences element
experience Experience element
id id of the experience integer
title Title of the experience string
company Company name string
city City name string
start Start date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
end End date Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
contractType Experience's contract type. Please refer to Baseslist to get the meaning of the value. integer
country country element
isoCode ISO 3166 alpha 3 code of the user's country (more information) string
state State of the user (if the user has chosen USA as a country). Refer to Baseslist to get the state informations. integer
logo Path to the company's logo, as uploaded by the user. Prepend '' to this URL to get the absolute URL. JPG, PNG and GIF are allowed string
description Company's description string
missions List of missions element
mission Mission element
description Description of a mission in the current job string
educations List of education items element
education Education item element
id Id of the education item integer
school School name string
start Start date of the education item Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
end End date of the education item Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
degree Degree obtained string
description Description of the education item string
portfolios List of portfolios items element
portfolio Portfolio item element
id Id of the portfolio item integer
mediaType Type of media string
title Title of the portfolio string
description Description of the portfolio string
createDate Creation date of the portfolio item (if the user has uploader a painting, the createDate represents the date when the user made his painting, not the date when he added the painting on his DoYouBuzz resume) Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
content Content of the portfolio <depends on the value of mediaType>
links List of links element
contacts List of contacts element
contact Contact item element
type Type of the contact channel (form, skype, phone, mobile, msn) string
value Value of the contact channel (phone number for phones, emails address for emails, skype id for skype, etc.) string
skills List of skills element
skill Skill item element
title Skill name string
children Children skills of the current skill element
title Title of the skill string
level Skill level, as defined by the user (see the user guide) integer [0-100]
details Details about the skill given by the user string
interests List of interests element
interest Interest item element
title Interest name string
children Children interests of the current interest element
interest Interest item -- this is the same item as the parent interest item element
printable List of the printable resumes of the current CV element
pdf URL of the PDF printable resume string
odt URL of the ODT printable resume string
pdf doc of the DOC printable resume string




   "id": 2,
   "userId": 2,
   "title": "Product Manager",
   "url": "",
   "culture": "fr_FR",
   "completion": 1,
   "seniority": 3,
   "updatedAt": "2015-02-06T06:51:07",
   "professionalStatus": 1,
   "availability": 5,
   "blog": {
      "rss": ""
   "userInformation": {
      "birthdate": "",
      "maritalStatus": null,
      "0": null,
      "city": null,
      "zipcode": null,
      "DriversLicence": false,
      "state": null
   "presentation": {
      "title": null,
      "text": "Mon métier est de concevoir avec d'autres des produits web — bien souvent à l’aide de la technologie, mais si on peut y mettre de l’humain, c’est encore mieux ! \n\nJ'aime les choses qui avancent, les arguments rationnels, les stats, développer pour le fun, et tester tous les produits qui me passent sous les mains. Ce qui me motive : la liberté d'action, le travail en équipe, travailler intelligemment, progresser.\n\nA côté de ça, je suis un papa heureux, j’aime la SF, cuisiner, lire, courir, voyager..."
   "experiences": {
      "experience": [
            "id": 2724,
            "title": "COO & Co-fondateur",
            "company": "DoYouBuzz",
            "city": "Nantes",
            "start": "2007-12-01",
            "end": "",
            "contractType": 1,
            "country": {
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            "state": null,
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            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Gestion de produit : stratégie, conception et évolution des fonctionnalités sur DoYouBuzz"
                     "description": "Gestion de projet : organisation interne (méthodes agiles) et priorisation"
                     "description": "Communauté : relation utilisateur, rédaction d'articles"
                     "description": "Stratégie : stratégie et organisation d'entreprise"
            "id": 2390000,
            "title": "Intervenant \"Technologies du web et gestion de projet\"",
            "company": "ESSCA - School of Management",
            "city": "Boulogne-Billancourt",
            "start": "2012-01-31",
            "end": "",
            "contractType": 12,
            "country": {
               "isoCode": "FRA"
            "state": null,
            "logo": "/var/f/qg/sp/qgsp3WE8synhPU4mvi7JVLa5tq0CjTgkrHwGoNR619Ixf2B_tn.jpg",
            "description": null,
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "En charge de 18h d'enseignement sur les technologies du web et la gestion de projet web"
                     "description": "Public : Master 2 spécialité webmarketing"
            "id": 947182,
            "title": "Co-fondateur + dév.",
            "company": "Factwatchers",
            "city": "Nantes",
            "start": "2012-01-31",
            "end": "",
            "contractType": 12,
            "country": {
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            "state": null,
            "logo": "/var/f/qg/sp/qgsp7PQ3D6OEpubfZ8_VrmWG45gBNXiYFvh9k2J-sqUweoxaLl.jpg",
            "description": " est une plateforme de fact-checking collaborative et ouverte, permettant à chaque internaute de rapporter les propos de personnalités politiques afin d'établir leur véracité via l’étude des faits, de par leur propre expertise ou via un appel à la communauté.",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Création, définition et mise en oeuvre du projet (plate-forme collaborative de fact-checking politique)"
                     "description": "Conception et développement back-end (CodeIgniter + Doctrine2)"
            "id": 1994,
            "title": "Chef de projet",
            "company": "Benchmark Group (L'Internaute / Journal du Net)",
            "city": "Nantes",
            "start": "2005-08-01",
            "end": "2007-11-01",
            "contractType": 1,
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            "description": "Avant d'être racheté par Comment Ça Marche et de former le groupe CCMBenchmark, Benchmark Group était l'un des éditeurs web les plus importants en France en terme d'audience. La société éditait plusieurs magazines et services web, parmi lesquels :\n\n- L'Internaute Magazine ( - magazine de loisirs et de découvertes\n- Le Journal du Net (, - quotidien en ligne de l'actualité e-business\n- Copains d'Avant ( - service communautaire de 6,5 millions de membres\n- Le Journal des Femmes ( - site éditorial féminin, 2è en terme d'audience derrière AuFeminin.Com\n\nEn Janvier 2008 (après mon départ), l'audience des sites de Benchmark Group atteignait 11,8 millions de lecteurs chaque mois (Source audience : Médiamétrie Netratings - Janvier 2008)",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Conception, gestion de projet et communication sur de nouveaux services et applications de L'Internaute Magazine."
                     "description": "Responsable du référencement naturel des site du groupe (L'Internaute, Journal du Net, Copains d'avant) : recommandations et suivi des optimisations, veille, formation des équipes internes (techniques et éditoriales)."
                     "description": "Responsable publicité autopromo (plusieurs millions de PAP / mois), AdSense et affiliation"
                     "description": " -"
            "id": 16,
            "title": "Co-fondateur + vice-président",
            "company": "",
            "city": "Paris",
            "start": "2002-01-31",
            "end": "2007-01-31",
            "contractType": 9,
            "0": null,
            "state": null,
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            "description": null,
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Création, définition et mise en oeuvre du projet (webzine sur le rock + tremplin rock)"
                     "description": "Conception du site (V1, V2 et V3 -- encore actuellement en production) et développement (PHP) du backoffice de la V1."
                     "description": "Recrutement, structuration de l'association (20 personnes en 2007), mise en oeuvre de process internes (planning édito, logistique)"
                     "description": "A voir sur"
            "id": 265057,
            "title": "Vice-président",
            "company": "Réflexiences (association)",
            "city": "Paris",
            "start": "2005-01-31",
            "end": "2010-01-31",
            "contractType": 12,
            "country": {
               "isoCode": "FRA"
            "state": null,
            "logo": null,
            "description": "",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Mise en place d'un magazine (papier et web) de vulgarisation scientifique"
                     "description": "Conception éditoriale et technique (print / web)"
                     "description": "Mise en place de l'association"
            "id": 13,
            "title": "Assistant de recherche en histoire des sciences",
            "company": "Institut national de recherche pédagogique",
            "city": "Paris",
            "start": "2005-05-01",
            "end": "2005-07-01",
            "contractType": 3,
            "country": {
               "isoCode": "FRA"
            "state": null,
            "logo": null,
            "description": "",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Recherche de sources d'informations primaires sur l'enseignement de l'astronomie au XIXème siècle en France."
                     "description": "Sources : BNF, Archives Nationales, Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (manuscrits, ouvrages, livres de comptes, etc.)"
            "id": 11,
            "title": "Stagiaire en communication scientifique",
            "company": "Observatoire de Paris",
            "city": "Meudon",
            "start": "2004-01-01",
            "end": "2004-07-01",
            "contractType": 3,
            "country": {
               "isoCode": "FRA"
            "state": null,
            "logo": "/var/f/qg/sp/qgspUKjOwLx6l158-JiIhGP9CZtDB_anspVrYXfvRo7m2WEbSA.jpg",
            "description": "",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Participation à la conception de l'exposition \"Au delà de la Terre\", dédiée aux missions spatiales de l'Agence Spatiale Européenne"
                     "description": "Conception et développement du site web (n'existe plus)"
                     "description": "Conception et maquettage de supports de communication pour l'exposition"
                     "description": "Recherches et rédactions de textes d'histoire des sciences"
            "id": 12,
            "title": "Développeur web",
            "company": "Linea Networks",
            "city": "Saint Germain en Laye",
            "start": "2003-01-01",
            "end": "2003-06-01",
            "contractType": 3,
            "0": null,
            "state": null,
            "logo": "",
            "description": "",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Développement d'une plate-forme de recherche d'emploi"
                     "description": "Plateforme .NET : VB.NET / SQL Server"
            "id": 14,
            "title": "Développeur & infographiste",
            "company": "Thalès Training & Simulations",
            "city": "Cergy Pontoise",
            "start": "2002-01-31",
            "end": "2002-01-31",
            "contractType": 4,
            "0": null,
            "state": null,
            "logo": "",
            "description": "",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Développement et infographie sur une plate-forme d'e-learning"
            "id": 15,
            "title": "Monteur vidéo / développeur multimédia",
            "company": "Perso Clip",
            "city": "Nantes",
            "start": "2001-06-01",
            "end": "2001-12-01",
            "contractType": 2,
            "0": null,
            "state": null,
            "logo": null,
            "description": "",
            "missions": {
               "mission": [
                     "description": "Montage vidéo, infographie et post-production sur des vidéos d'entreprises et reportages"
                     "description": "Conception multimédia (création de CD-Roms et DVD vidéo pour entreprises et particuliers)"
                     "description": "Conception et développement du site Internet (site vitrine et plate-forme de petites annonces), PHP / MySQL. Le site n'est plus en ligne."
   "educations": {
      "education": [
            "id": 141296,
            "school": "Université de Versailles",
            "start": "2003-09-01",
            "end": "2005-06-01",
            "degree": "IUP ASCM",
            "description": "Gestion de projet // Culture scientifique.\nMention TB. Major de promo."
            "id": 141297,
            "school": "INSSET de St Quentin",
            "start": "2002-09-01",
            "end": "2003-06-01",
            "degree": "Licence Pro Développement web",
            "description": "Développement web, systèmes et serveurs."
            "id": 141298,
            "school": "IUT de Laval",
            "start": "1999-01-01",
            "end": "2001-01-01",
            "degree": "DUT Services et Réseaux de Communication",
            "description": "Formation multimédia (web, vidéo, dév.) et communication."
   "portfolios": {
      "portfolio": [
            "id": 203425,
            "title": "Session de travail",
            "description": "",
            "createDate": "2014-07-10",
            "content": "",
            "embed": "",
            "path": "/var/f/qg/sp/qgspk60huNntEy23f1oL-xaXTcIGA_RKlYwimb8SrHF_master.jpg",
            "url": ""
            "id": 203426,
            "title": "Lancement de la V2 de DoYouBuzz",
            "description": "",
            "createDate": "2014-03-31",
            "content": "",
            "embed": "",
            "path": "/var/f/qg/sp/qgsp2yWOvoUFBkRSQuVDfrb_itlesT0JhIYN7G9LZgX_master.jpg",
            "url": null
            "id": 202853,
            "title": "Workshop w/ Mailchimp UX Lead",
            "description": "",
            "createDate": "2014-09-03",
            "content": "",
            "embed": "",
            "path": "/var/f/qg/sp/qgspZh31lpWvDMXineLOcx-I6mJuCb_s05t2zEy9HQA_master.jpg",
            "url": null
   "links": {
      "link": [
            "id": 1064,
            "type": "Github",
            "url": ""
            "id": 335701,
            "type": "Twitter",
            "url": ""
            "id": 2966,
            "type": "Linked In",
            "url": ""
            "id": 348969,
            "type": "Google_plus",
            "url": "érémiePottier42"
            "id": 417058,
            "type": "Mon blog",
            "url": ""
   "contacts": {
      "contact": [
            "type": "public_email",
            "value": "[email protected]"
            "type": "phone",
            "value": "+33xxxxxxxxxx"
            "type": "skype",
            "value": "jeremie.pottier"
   "skills": {
      "skill": [         
            "title": "Gestion de produit",
            "children": {
               "skill": [
                     "title": "Lean",
                     "level": 60,
                     "details": "Je m'intéresse aux théories et modèles de la gestion de produit, notamment dans un environnement startup. \n\nJe suis particulièrement sensible au modèle Lean et son légendaire MVP pour faire évoluer le produit, ainsi qu'au modèle AARRRR pour la visibilité qu'il apporte sur le pilotage de la stratégie produit."
                     "title": "Analyse d'audience",
                     "level": 80,
                     "details": "Google Analytics, KissMetrics, MixPanel : une panoplie d'outils existe aujourd'hui pour suivre, analyser et comprendre le comportement des utilisateurs. \n\nJe pratique Google Analytics depuis de nombreuses d'années (variables personnalisées, événements, conversion eCommerce) et KissMetrics pour un suivi plus fin (analyse de cohorte, tunnels de conversions à la volée, A/B testing)."
                     "title": "Culture tech",
                     "level": 80,
                     "details": null
                     "title": "Conception",
                     "level": 80,
                     "details": "Mockups (avec Balsamiq !), spécifications fonctionnelles, UML..."
            "level": null,
            "details": null
            "title": "Gestion de projet",
            "children": {
               "skill": [
                     "title": "Méthodes agiles",
                     "level": 90,
                     "details": "Je m'intéresse de près aux méthodes agiles depuis plus de cinq ans (lectures, conférences) et je les mets en oeuvre au quotidien à DoYouBuzz (Scrum pendant plusieurs années, et plus récemment Kanban).\n\nJe donne aussi des cours sur le sujet à l'ESSCA (public Master 2)."
                     "title": "Relation client",
                     "level": 80,
                     "details": null
                     "title": "Relations prestataires",
                     "level": 80,
                     "details": null
            "level": null,
            "details": null
            "title": "Marketing web",
            "children": {
               "skill": [
                     "title": "Référencement naturel : beaucoup pratiqué (conseil et stratégie, mise en oeuvre, veille)",
                     "level": null,
                     "details": null
                     "title": "Référencement payant : bonne connaissance (mise en oeuvre, veille)",
                     "level": null,
                     "details": null
                     "title": "Publicité web : bonne connaissance (mise en oeuvre côté éditeur et annonceur), trafic management (OpenAdStream) et optimisations (créas, emplacements, etc.)",
                     "level": null,
                     "details": null
            "level": null,
            "details": null
            "title": "Développement",
            "children": {
               "skill": [
                     "title": "PHP",
                     "level": 60,
                     "details": "J'ai commencé à pratiquer PHP pendant mes études et je continue aujourd'hui à utiliser ce langage pour des projets persos (je ne code pas dans un cadre professionnel, juste pour le fun).\n\nJ'utilise notamment PHP avec des frameworks comme FuelPHP ou Laravel."
                     "title": "JS / Angular",
                     "level": 40,
                     "details": null
                     "title": "Qualité",
                     "level": 40,
                     "details": "PHPUnit, Behat & Mink, Selenium, Travis, Jenkins"
                     "title": "Automatisation",
                     "level": 30,
                     "details": "Intégration continue (Travis, Jenkins), automatisation des tâches de développement (Grunt)"
            "level": null,
            "details": null
   "interests": {
      "interest": [
            "title": "",
            "children": {
               "interest": [
                     "title": "Littérature contemporaine",
                     "children": null
                     "title": "Science-fiction",
                     "children": null
                     "title": "Vulgarisation scientifique",
                     "children": null
                     "title": "Magazines scientifiques / high-tech (Wired Magazine, New Scientist, Technology Review)",
                     "children": null
            "title": "",
            "children": {
               "interest": [
                     "title": "Rock, folk, électro",
                     "children": null
            "title": "",
            "children": {
               "interest": [
                     "title": "Tennis, badminton, squash, golf, plongée sous-marine",
                     "children": null
            "title": "Cinéma & séries",
            "children": {
               "interest": [
                     "title": "Other",
                     "children": null
   "printable": {
      "pdf": "",
      "odt": null,
      "doc": ""
   "published": true,
   "indexed": true,
   "protected": false

  COO @ DoYouBuzz
    Chief Operating Officer
    Full Time
      Conception, definition of product development directions
      Technology and sectoral scanning
      Research and Development
      Project and personnel managment
      Web marketing
    Project Manager
    Benchmark Group (L'Internaute / Journal du Net)
    Full Time
    Benchmark Group, a Web publisher, has one of the largest audiences in France. The group publishes several magazines and Web services, including:

- L'Internaute Magazine ( - Hobbies and discovery magazine
- Le Journal du Net (, - Daily e-business news
- Copains d'Avant ( - Social community with 6.5 million members
- Le Journal des Femmes ( - Womens' interest Web site, 2nd highest audience in France. 

Benchmark Group reaches 11.8 million readers each moth. (Source: Médiamétrie Netratings - January 2008)
      Service design and management (applications and editorial)
      SEO strategy for the Web sites: L'Internaute, Journal du Net, Copains d'avant
      Internal, AdSense and affiliation advertising: creative briefs, optimizations, reporting, ROI
    Vice President
    Réflexiences (non-profit)
      Scientific magazine (print and web) for the general public distributed in high schools through out the greater Paris area until 2007.
      Co-built project and the non-profit organization
      Led fund-raising activities, technical and editorial conception and recruitment efforts
    Vice President
    Albumrock (non-profit)
      Co-creation of webzine on rock
      Developed numerous projects
      Produced text and image content
      Web site design and development
      Recruitment, organizational structuring (20 people in 2007), internal processes (editorial and logistical planning)
    Versailles University
    Science and Technologies: Project Management. Graduated Valedictorian.
    INSSET de St Quentin
    Web Develoment Licence Pro
    Equivalent to B.S. Graduated with honors.
    IUT de Laval
    Information Technology DUT
    Multimedia (Web, Video, Development) and communications.
    High school Pays de Retz (Pornic)
    Scientific  Baccalaureate
    Physics. Graduated with Honors.

    [email protected]
    Web Marketing
      SEO  / SEM
      Advertising media analytics
      Social media marketing
      Strategy and training
    Research &amp; Development
      R&amp;D process management
      Project engineering
      Technology and scientific scanning
    Editorial Web
      Preferred subjects: science and society, technology, Internet
      Technical: writing, editing, newsletter, photography, mock-ups
      Organization: documentary research, editorial planningl
      Strategy: strong understanding of Internet journalism
    Project Management
      Team management
      Planning / Budgeting / Sourcing / Client Relations
      Conception / Ergonomic Design
    Computer Technology
      CMS : Wordpress, Drupal
      Languages : PHP, .NET, Javascript, xHTML, CSS, SQL
      Databases : MySQL, SQLServer
    Software and Applications
      Web : Gmail, Google Reader / Agenda / Docs, Delicious
      Audience analysis: Analytics, XiTi
      Graphic Design: Photoshop, Quark XPress
      MindMapping: Mindjet Mind Manager
      Conception: Axure, OmniGraffle
      Bug tracking: Trac, BaseCamp, Mantis
      Web advertising: OpenAdStream, Google Ad Manager, AdSense, Adwords
      Tennis, badminton, squash, golf, scuba diving
    In short:
      Sports : tennis, scuba diving, golf
      Literature : Paul Auster, Stephen King, Philip Roth...